When you decide to sell
When you decide to sell Your original investment and any profit after tax can be freely taken out of Turkey. Again, you would be wise to consult your lawyer prior to selling.
When you decide to sell Your original investment and any profit after tax can be freely taken out of Turkey. Again, you would be wise to consult your lawyer prior to selling.
My Marmaris
Kemal Seyfettin Elgin Blv.
Karacan Plaza 54 1st Floor № 19
48700 Marmaris - Türkiye
Tel : +90 ( 252 ) 417 11 28
Tel : +90 ( 252 ) 417 11 69
GSM : +90 ( 553 ) 259 24 81
Fax : +90 ( 252 ) 417 07 14
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