About Turkey
About Turkey RELIGION 99 % of the Turkish population is Muslims. Turkey is a secular government and therefore the members of other religions are free to realize their religious activities and ceremonies.
About Turkey RELIGION 99 % of the Turkish population is Muslims. Turkey is a secular government and therefore the members of other religions are free to realize their religious activities and ceremonies.
My Marmaris
Kemal Seyfettin Elgin Blv.
Karacan Plaza 54 1st Floor № 19
48700 Marmaris - Türkiye
Tel : +90 ( 252 ) 417 11 28
Tel : +90 ( 252 ) 417 11 69
GSM : +90 ( 553 ) 259 24 81
Fax : +90 ( 252 ) 417 07 14
E-mail : info@mymarmaris.com