Population of Turkey

Population of Turkey

About Turkey


According to the results of the General Population Determination executed in November 1999, the population of Turkey is 65 millions. There is a tendency for decreasing in the population growth rate in recent years. The annual population growth rate between years 1990-1997 had been determined to be 15.1 in one thousand. If the population growth rate is assumed to be stable, the calculated and expected population of Turkey in the midst of the year 2000 would reach to 65,3 millions. The most important characteristic of the population in Turkey is the amount of young population. Turkey is among the fastest urbanizing countries of the world. The general sexuality ratio in Turkey is 103 men for each 100 women. This result is obtained from the 1990 Population Count. Marmara Region, which is the most rapidly developing region of Turkey in the fields of commerce and industry has the most concentrated and dense population. Furthermore, the population is concentrated among the river banks and plains suitable for agriculture.